cer tesut cu nori... frumos :)
multam'! :)
4 fotka jest bardzo nastrojowa! Piekne miesce, wprost stworzone do odpoczynku!:)
Dzięki! :)the most beautiful place to sleep or relax is under the huge free sky, surrounded by trees, mountains or water...without any high-tech objects :)
cer tesut cu nori... frumos :)
RăspundețiȘtergeremultam'! :)
RăspundețiȘtergere4 fotka jest bardzo nastrojowa! Piekne miesce, wprost stworzone do odpoczynku!:)
RăspundețiȘtergereDzięki! :)
RăspundețiȘtergerethe most beautiful place to sleep or relax is under the huge free sky, surrounded by trees, mountains or water...without any high-tech objects :)